Community Advisory Committee

We also rely on the guidance of our Community Advisory Committee (CAC), which is comprised of two representatives from each community and two at large members.

Shanin Ziemer

City of Buena Park

Nayeli Figueroa

City of Buena Park

Ralph Futch

City of Fullerton


City of Fullerton

Melisa Masri

City of Irvine

Doug Elliott

City of Irvine

Steven Schwarz

City of Fountain Valley


City of Fountain Valley

Dominic Bendinelli

Member at Large

Faisal Qazi

Member at Large


The future for renewable energy is bright. 25 CCA programs serve more than 14 million Californians and many more communities are joining CCAs.

What we do

Meeting once a month, the Committee’s purpose is to advise the Orange County Power Authority’s Board of Directors on the operation of its Community Choice Energy program. The Community Advisory Committee is composed of residents, business owners and employees from OCPA’s member cities – and now they’re representing you!