Considering Opting Out?
We hope you'll reconsider.
We hope you'll reconsider.
For customers who have recently established a new electricity account, if you opt out within the first 60 days after being with OCPA your account will be transferred from OCPA to SCE.
You can choose to opt out at any time. To opt out, call 1-866-262-7693 or complete the form below. Plan change requests and opt outs received at least 5 days prior to a customer’s meter read date will be processed for that meter read date; all other change requests will be processed on the subsequent meter read date. Accounts cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle.
Historically, Southern California Edison has been the default power provider to most customers. However, in 2002 when state legislators passed California’s Community Choice Aggregation law, this default status was transferred from Southern California Edison to local community choice programs like OCPA. Customers now have the power to choose who provides their energy.